Steve Whitting
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Birthday: 26 December, 1954
Interests: Cycling on vintage Italian steel is my pashion! Visit my website at and learn why Columbus SL tubing is still a better frame material than aluminum or carbon fiber. (Or is it "carpet fiber"? Yuck - that's the stuff my cat throws up!) Hey, lighter isn't necessarily better - especially when it comes to bicycle frames. Resilience and durability are qualities prized in bicycle frames - and humans. If you really want to climb better then try losing some body fat!
Oh, I also like beer. Historical fact: Without beer our civilization wouldn't even exist!
I'm a big fan of "Battlestar Galactica" (the new version, not the old one with Lorne Greene in a cape). Actually, I like science fiction in general and I write in my spare time. Bicycles, beer and "Battlestar Galactica". Those are my three "Bs". Yeah . . .
My dislikes? Rap and hip-hop. Fried chicken on-the-bone. Right-wing talk radio. Dogmatic religions - particularly "fundamentalist" Christianity and Islam. Those are dehumanizing "toxic memes" that our civilization would be better off without.
Blog Created: Monday, 25 May 2009
Last Updated: Sunday, 11 November 2012 - 12:27 PM CST
Blog Entries: 40